- Sputnik Africa, 1920
African Currents
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African Development Bank Group Launches New 10-Year Plan for the Continent

African Development Bank Group Launches New 10-Year Plan for the Continent
During its annual meeting this year in Nairobi, Kenya, the president of Africa's multilateral development finance institution, Akinwumi Adesina, presented the institution’s fresh blueprint for the next decade, aimed at steering the continent toward long-term economic development and prosperity.
The African Development Bank is poised to accelerate transformative programs and streamline operations to optimize results by leveraging a decade of prioritizing High Five objectives. Kalu Ojah, professor of finance at Wits Business School, University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, explored the various nuances of this bold strategy with African Currents.

"I must say, [the Bank's] President Akinwumi happens to be an agricultural economist, and he aptly captured the fact that it's one of our comparative advantages. And in terms of providing technical assistance and a roadmap on how African countries can then leverage or scale up agriculture from being a subsistence survivalist type resource to being one that puts out on the path of development, of which a very critical aspect is food security," Prof. Ojah said.

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