Russia Concerned by Outside Players' Plans to Connect Libyan Military Groups, Deputy Envoy Says

© AP Photo / Yousef MuradLibyan forces participate in a military parade in the city of Misrata on August 9, 2022.
Libyan forces participate in a military parade in the city of Misrata on August 9, 2022.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 20.06.2024
UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Russia is observing with concern the plans of extra-regional players in the Libyan conflict to train and equip private military companies that will effectively unite units in the east and west of the country, Russian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Anna Evstigneeva said on Tuesday.

"Moreover, it is with concern that we have observed the fact that that information has surfaced about certain obscure plans of extra-regional players to establish, train, and equip, with the assistance of private military companies, Libyan border guards, which would unite the fighters in the west and east of Libya," Evstigneeva said during a UN Security Council meeting on Libya.

Evstigneeva said that Russia fears such plans are not beneficial to the national Libyan army but serve the national interests of certain other countries.
Russia has also argued many times that foreign fighters in Libya should be eliminated, and this remains a crucial goal that must be done in a phased withdrawal.
The Libyan Ambassador to the UN, Al-Taher El Sonni, said that it is time to leave Libya alone and that the country is tired of regional powers using it for their proxy wars.
“I guess it's about time to leave Libya alone and to free it from this Council. Let us decide on our future,” Sonni said in the UN Security Council meeting on Libya.
He also expressed frustration and exhaustion with Libya being used as a proxy by certain countries and regional powers for “selfish, greedy battles,” some of which have colonial ambitions.
Libya is currently ruled by two rival governments. The western part is controlled by the UN-backed Government of National Accord, based in Tripoli, while the eastern part is under the Government of National Stability, backed by the Libyan National Army. The southern part of the country remains in turmoil due to civil unrest, the continuing threat of terrorism, and armed tribal violence.