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Zimbabwe's Leader Rejects Conditional Aid, Calls for Vigilance Against 'Neo-Imperial Machinations'

© AP Photo / Tsvangirayi MukwazhiZimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 13.06.2024
Recently, during his visit to Russia for the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, President Mnangagwa stated that the West seeks to maintain its hegemony, but the old world order has led to marginalization in many corners of the planet. He argued that promoting a multipolar world holds great potential for Zimbabwe and Africa in general.
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa has asserted that his country will not accept any foreign aid with conditions that aim to undermine the country's values and national identity.
Speaking at the ruling Zanu PF Politburo meeting on Wednesday, Mnangagwa issued a strong condemnation of "neo-imperial machinations" from the country's "detractors," urging vigilance against attempts to influence Zimbabwe's sovereignty.

"I challenge us to remain vigilant and resolute in the face of the neo-imperial machinations from our country’s detractors," he said. "Lessons and emerging trends against former liberation movements within and beyond the region are stark reminders of the sustained hegemonic tendencies of our erstwhile former colonizers."

He specifically criticized foreign funding for humanitarian programs being used to promote practices that are incompatible with Zimbabwean and African culture and values.
Emmerson Mnangagwa during his interview with Sputnik Africa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 09.06.2024
Russia Helps Zimbabwe Become Self-Sufficient, President Mnangagwa States
Mnangagwa also warned non-governmental organizations operating outside their mandates to desist from meddling in Zimbabwe's political affairs.

"Zimbabwe will never accept any foreign support that has conditionalities that seek to defile and denigrate our national character, values, and beliefs. As Zanu PF and an African people, we reject the imposition of alien identities as well as cultures," the African leader stated. "We continue to hold sacred our African morals, values, and traditions."

On the international front, President Mnangagwa highlighted Zimbabwe's ongoing engagement and re-engagement efforts, mentioning fruitful discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the recent St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"We look forward to deepening and consolidating our cooperation with the Russian Federation in areas such as mining, agriculture, science and technology, and space science, as well as in the education and health spheres," he said.
