Russian FM Lavrov Holds Presser Following BRICS Ministerial Meeting

This year, Russia chairs BRICS. The main event in the multilateral bloc's calendar in 2024 will be the October summit of the BRICS heads of state in the city of Kazan. Next year, 2025, the chairmanship of the organization will pass to Brazil.
Sputnik is live as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds a press conference on Tuesday concluding the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting of 2024.
Tuesday sees the conclusion of the two-day meeting of the bloc's top diplomats meeting in Nizhny Novgorod. The day before, the heads of the “dozens” of foreign affairs agencies (since January 1, 2024, the association includes 10 states) arrived in the capital of the Volga region and adopted a voluminous joint statement consisting of 54 points.