SPIEF 2024
The 2024 edition of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) takes place from June 5 to 8. The theme of this year's event is “The foundation of a multipolar world - forming new points of growth”.

Highlights of Zimbabwean President's Remarks at SPIEF 2024 Plenary Session

© SputnikZimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at SPIEF 2024
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa at SPIEF 2024 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 07.06.2024
Zimbabwean leader Emmerson Mnangagwa met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2024, which is held on June 5-8.
Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivered a speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024 plenary session.
Mnangagwa's statements on multipolarity:
Building a multipolar world is in Africa's interest;
Promoting a multipolar world holds great potential for Zimbabwe and Africa in general;
The West seeks to maintain its hegemony, but the old world order has led to marginalization in many corners of the planet;
The creation of centers of economic growth and the redistribution of power between states are necessary;
Zimbabwe welcomes the changes that the BRICS are bringing to the world.
On sanctions:
Zimbabwe calls for the lifting of illegal sanctions that are hindering its economic development;
According to the West, the "crime" of the Zimbabwean people is demanding the return of their ancestral lands.
The entrance to the new Parliament building where Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivered his State of the Nation Address in Mt Hampden, about 18 kilometres west of the capital Harare, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.03.2024
Lifting Sanctions While Imposing Others Is 'Biggest' Sign of US Double Standards: ZANU-PF
On Zimbabwe-Russia relations:
Zimbabwe sees Russia as its global ally;
The African country is confident that it can help Russia prosper;
Zimbabwe invites Russian investors to explore numerous investment opportunities;
Harare is open for business and welcomes investment and cooperation in all sectors of the economy.
On Africa's role:
Africa's role remains crucial, not only as a supplier of raw materials but also as a global partner;
The rich subsoil of this continent must be used to improve the well-being of the entire world;
Africa needs adequate support; it's important to develop the productive capacities of African countries;
Zimbabwe can help ensure food security in Southern Africa.
Politicians from more than 45 countries attended SPIEF 2024. The 27th edition of the event is taking place under the theme Foundations of a Multipolar World: The Formation of New Areas of Growth.