SPIEF 2024
The 2024 edition of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) takes place from June 5 to 8. The theme of this year's event is “The foundation of a multipolar world - forming new points of growth”.

Africa Interested in Russian Participation in Resource Processing Industry

© SputnikFofonin Appolinaire Houegbeadan, conseiller du président de la compagnie minière BK Mining Services
Fofonin Appolinaire Houegbeadan, conseiller du président de la compagnie minière BK Mining Services - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 06.06.2024
"We would like to benefit from Russian science, Russian technology, and Russian experience so that the Russians can not only send their technology to Africa but also create a company and an industry for the extraction of raw materials" the advisor to the president of the mining company BK Mining Services told Sputnik on the sidelines of SPIEF-2024.
It's not about "redoing the same economic scheme" that existed within Western countries, but about ensuring that raw materials contribute to the development of the economies of African countries, Fofonin Appolinaire Houegbeadan stressed.
According to him, Russian technologies are expected in other areas, including:
Wastewater treatment, which the country could reuse in agriculture;
Increasing the volume of production, which will require the expansion of cultivated areas;
Energy production.
The fact that Russia gives scholarships to Africans enables these students to build relationships with the Russian business community, so that the latter takes an interest in Africa and creates jobs on the continent, Houegbeadan noted.

"Russia is ready to help if you approach it and ask for it. Today, not all African countries are brave enough to do this. They want to, but they don't have the courage," he concluded to Sputnik Africa.
