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AU Calls for Increased Security Efforts on Continent, Support for African Standby Force

© Photo Twitter / @_AfricanUnionAU Summit in Addis Ababa
AU Summit in Addis Ababa - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 04.06.2024
The meeting of the 16th Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Defense, Safety and Security (STCDSS) was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, focusing on continental peace and security, as well as implementing decisions and priorities related to the AU's peace and security agenda.
Director for the Conflict Management Directorate within the African Union's Commission’s Political Affairs, Peace and Security Department Alhaji Sarjoh Bah on Monday called on the bloc's members to strengthen the security measures on the continent, emphasizing the need for the African Standby Force's (ASF) robust presence in handling crises and conflicts around the continent.

"Our collective efforts are pivotal to implementing the Africa Peace and Security Architecture and realising the goal of silencing guns in Africa," he said. "This endeavour is in line with Agenda 2063’s vision of a peaceful and stable continent. We rely on the wisdom and guidance of the STCDSS to enhance our efforts to promote peace, security, and stability across Africa."

Escalating conflicts and unconstitutional government changes jeopardize the democratic foundations and security of "the very fabric" of African security architecture, the official said.
"Africa has, unfortunately, witnessed an escalation of conflicts in regions such as the Horn of Africa, the Sahel, and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo," Bah said.
He emphasized that these conflicts "create vacuums exploited by terrorist groups" and violent extremists, with outside forces further upsetting social structures and impeding the development of enduring peace.
Bah also pointed out how critical it is to address the negative consequences of the present geopolitical unrest, which have made Africa's problems with peace and security worse.
In response to these challenges, the official noted that the AU has provided essential assistance to conflict-affected member states to alleviate the impacts of conflict and instability.
The ASF is a continental, rapid-deployment peacekeeping force established by the AU. It comprises military, police, and civilian components from various African nations and is designed to respond quickly to crises and conflicts within the continent. According to the African Union, the ASF aims to provide an African-led solution to peace and security challenges, facilitating timely and effective intervention in situations of armed conflict, humanitarian crises, and other emergencies.