Sub-Saharan Africa
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Russian Companies Interested in Building Ports in Senegal, Country's Ambassador Says

Dakar, Senegal - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian companies are interested in building ports in Senegal, but there are still no concrete projects in this area despite proposals to the Senegalese authorities, Russian Ambassador to Senegal Dmitry Kurakov told Sputnik.
"Russian companies are interested in building port infrastructure in Senegal, but we do not have any concrete projects there yet. Yes, they [companies] are submitting proposals to the Senegalese authorities, but so far they have not followed up with signing any contracts. Perhaps when the mining of some minerals starts, such an opportunity will be in demand," Kurakov said.
As of now, UAE companies are building the largest deepwater port in Senegal with an investment of more than $1 billion, the ambassador added.
"It is important to the Senegalese that investors come with their own financing. Nowadays, most large investment and infrastructure projects operate on the principle of public-private partnership. That is, the company comes with its own financing, implements the project, receives revenues from this project, which compensates its expenses," Kurakov noted.
This is the kind of initiatives that Senegal is looking for at the moment, the ambassador said.
Senegalese flag - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.06.2024
Sub-Saharan Africa
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