Sudan Stays Committed to Obligations to Build Russian Navy Base in Red Sea, Ambassador Says

© AFP 2023 ASHRAF SHAZLYThis picture taken on October 9, 2021, shows a view of the Sudan-flagged "Dahab" roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferry vessel docked in Port Sudan along the Red Sea in the country's northeast.
This picture taken on October 9, 2021, shows a view of the Sudan-flagged Dahab roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ferry vessel docked in Port Sudan along the Red Sea in the country's northeast. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 01.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - In late May, Russia asked Sudan for a fuel supply point in the Red Sea in exchange for arms supplies, Al Arabiya broadcaster reported, citing an assistant to the head of the Sudanese sovereignty council.
Sudan does not renounce its commitment to build a Russian Navy base in the Red Sea and the project will be implemented, Sudanese Ambassador in Moscow Mohamed Siraj told Sputnik on Saturday.
"This is a logistics support point in the Red Sea, about which an agreement was signed between the two countries. We are considering this matter within the framework of our bilateral relations, which, as I see it, are developing, and we hope for further strengthening of bilateral ties," the ambassador said.
It is the responsibility of both Moscow and Khartoum to see the project through, as the agreement was signed by both countries, Siraj noted.
"Sudan is committed to fulfilling this obligation, and the only problem is completing some procedural issues. We are not giving up our commitment to build the base," he added.
In early March, Sudanese Foreign Minister Ali Al-Sadiq Ali told Sputnik that the new parliament will consider the agreement with Russia on the creation of a nave base in the country after the elections.