West Halting Arms Supplies to Kiev Could 'Accelerate' Political Settlement of Ukraine Crisis: Lavrov

© Sputnik . Alexey Filippov / Go to the mediabankRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends a meeting of the Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council Assembly, in Moscow, Russia
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends a meeting of the Russian Foreign and Defense Policy Council Assembly, in Moscow, Russia - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.05.2024
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke in an interview with Sputnik about the delivery of new weapons to Kiev, possibilities for peaceful dialogue, cooperation with China, and relations with the United States.
The West could theoretically "accelerate" the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis by halting arms deliveries to Kiev, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Sputnik.

"To do this, it is necessary for the West to stop pouring weapons into Ukraine and for Kiev to stop fighting. The sooner this happens, the sooner a political settlement will begin," Lavrov said.

The crisis resolution agreements should be based on the principle of equal and indivisible security, he added, noting that Moscow is open to negotiations, but this is about peace, not a ceasefire.

"The main task is to address the root causes of the crisis and reach agreements based on the principle of equal and indivisible security. But with respect for the realities on the ground, which reflect the will of the people, the minister stressed," the foreign minister stressed.

 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 25.05.2024
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However, the top diplomat underlined that dialogue on peace is hard to imagine under the rule of the "war party" in Kiev. He said that Moscow hopes that sooner or later there will be forces in Kiev that look after the interests of the Ukrainian people; for now, there is no other option but to continue the special military operation.
By supplying Kiev with F-16 fighter jets, NATO is trying to make it clear to Russia that the United States and the alliance are "ready for literally anything," Lavrov emphasized.
"The supply of increasingly destructive weapons to the Kiev regime indicates the West's lack of interest in ending the conflict," he highlighted.
The senior official went on to say that Moscow sees these deliveries as a "signaling action" by NATO in the nuclear field.
Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that Russia will treat the multirole fighter jets sent by the West and operated by Ukraine as nuclear-capable assets.
Russian and Belarusian exercises with non-strategic nuclear weapons should sensitize their opponents, the foreign minister underscored.
Last week, Russia's Southern Military District begun the first stage of an exercise involving practical training in the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, the Defense Ministry said. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Belarus would join Russia during the second stage of the drills.
State colors of Russia and Belarus on the building of the Minsk Philharmonic. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.05.2024
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Speaking about Russia-Chinese relations, the top diplomat underlined that Moscow and Beijing acknowledge the importance of increasing defense cooperation not only on a bilateral basis but also within multilateral formats.
The deployment of US land-based intermediate-range missiles (INF) in Europe and the Asia-Pacific pose a serious security challenge for Russia and China, he added, noting, though, that the Russo-Chinese partnership isn't aimed at third countries.
Commenting on Russia-US relations, the foreign minister highlighted that Russia believes the US has become an accomplice to Kiev's crimes when it comes to Ukraine's missile strikes on Russian cities.
"In the US national security strategy, Russia is called an immediate threat. The US and NATO explicitly say that their goal is to inflict a 'strategic defeat' on our country. In this context, the fate of the civilian population of Russian cities is not of interest to the White House, which has become an accomplice to the crimes of the Kiev regime," Lavrov said.
He also pointed out that Russia will reject self-restrictions introduced after the US pullout from the INF Treaty and take additional steps in the sphere of nuclear deterrence if Washington proceeds with deployments of INFs on Russia's doorstep.
Assessing Washington's statement about the potential halt of certain arms supplies to Israel in light of the Israeli operation in Rafah, Sergey Lavrov said that - based on Russia's experience - Americans cannot be trusted.
"The Americans continue to publicly speak about their commitment to a just solution to the Palestinian problem. At the same time, in practice, they plentifully add oil to the flame of the armed confrontation," Lavrov said.