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'Russia is Ensuring That We Have This Multipolar World We Once Had, Expert Says

© Photo Telegram / Russian House in Burkina FasoRussian House in Burkina Faso
Russian House in Burkina Faso - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 28.05.2024
Maxwell Boamah Amofa, research fellow at the West Africa Transitional Justice Center in Abuja, has explained to Sputnik Africa the strategic vision behind Russia's decision to expand its diplomatic presence in Africa.
The expert reminded about the recent reopening of the embassy in Burkina Faso and plans for new missions in Sierra Leone, Niger and South Sudan.
"At some point, Russia actually relaxed a little bit. And in those times, they actually closed some of their embassies", he reminded.
'So now in the 21st century, under President Putin, what Russia is doing, their strategic diplomacy, is basically just ensuring that we have this multipolar world that we once had, that other countries cannot just impose their values, cannot just impose their culture on others."
Mr. Amofa encouraged this surge of multipolarity, "because without that, we're just going to have some group of states who come to us and just impose their values on us, lecture us on how we should live our lives as Africans, which I think is problematic for the global society, not just for Africans, but for everyone, because that would be like the animal farm where anybody can do whatever they want."