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US Embassy Employee Shot Dead in Kenya

© AP Photo / Brian IngangaKenya police patrol the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday, March.12, 2024.
Kenya police patrol the streets of Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday, March.12, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 28.05.2024
On Saturday, a 36-year-old electrician who worked at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Anthony Njomo, was fatally shot outside a nightclub in Kiambu County, Kenya. According to local authorities and CCTV footage, the victim was shot dead during a fight that took place in front of him near the nightclub.
Three suspects, including a police officer, have been arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of Anthony Njomo, a 36-year-old electrician who worked at the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, outside a nightclub in Kenya.
According to local authorities and surveillance footage, Njomo was standing on the sidewalk outside a nightclub talking on the phone when a fight broke out nearby. Witnesses said they saw a man with a gun fire shots, hitting Njomo.
Local media reported that the fight broke out between two groups near a popular nightclub in Kiambu over a woman. The victim was reportedly not involved in the fight.

"Today, we apprehended a third suspect who is a serving officer and a gun has also been confiscated which is said to have been fired to kill a young man," said Kiambu County Police Commander Micheal Muchiri.

The officer added that "two people were taken to court where the investigating officers asked for more time to complete the murder investigation and the third person will also be taken to court."
"We were shown the CCTV footage taken by the club outside and it shows our kin was speaking on the phone a few meters outside the club. All of a sudden people were seen fighting and a man holding a gun was seen firing. The next thing we see our kin falling," David Njomo, a spokesperson of the family of the late Njomo told local media.