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'Russia Has No Colonial Past in Libya or Any Other Arab Country,' Libyan Foreign Minister Says

© АНО "Дирекция спортивных и социальных проектов" / Go to the mediabankLibyan Foreign Minister Abdulhadi Al-Huweij
Libyan Foreign Minister Abdulhadi Al-Huweij  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 27.05.2024
Earlier, Libyan Investment Minister Elgaidi Ali Saidi Saad announced that Libya is ready to discuss the transition to settlements with Russia in national currencies.
Russian-Libyan relations have excellent prospects, as Russia is a genuine and fundamental partner, the head of diplomacy of the Government of National Stability, Abdulhadi Al-Huweij, told Sputnik.
He emphasized that this cooperation is based on equality and mutual respect, is not directed against anyone, and is based on strong historical ties that will be further developed.
The 200 and 2000 ruble banknotes. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 16.05.2024
Libya to Hold Discussions With Russia Over Shift to Using National Currencies for Settlements
Al-Huweij also commented on the issue of refugees in his country. He noted that Libya welcomes African citizens if they are there legally, but the number of illegal migrants is growing, and international cooperation is needed to address this issue.
He strongly rejected the European approach to security, stating that Libya refuses to "act as police for anyone" and opposes any attempts to settle migrants in the country.