Japanese Dog Behind the 'Doge' Meme Passes Away

© RIA NovostiDoge
Doge - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 24.05.2024
The Doge meme is the most popular meme among other dog memes, first appearing online around 2010. The memes with this Shiba Inu usually depict the dog's inner thoughts expressed in humorous, fractured English.
Kabosu, the dog known for the "doge" meme and the mascot of Dogecoin, has passed away at the age of 18 following a struggle with poor health.
"She quietly passed away as if asleep while I caressed her," wrote Atsuko Sato, the owner of the shiba inu named Kabosu, in her blog, thanking the fans.
Sato estimated the dog's age to be 18, which is beyond the average lifespan for a Shiba Inu.
In 2010, Sato captured a photo of Kabosu crossing her paws on the sofa, which went viral on Reddit and evolved into a widespread meme that even became the inspiration for the Dogecoin cryptocurrency in 2013.
In April 2023, the famous dog was even featured on the X logo for a while, and Elon Musk is known to be a devoted fan of Kabosu.
Kabosu was born in 2005. She was taken in by volunteers after the breeder she lived with went bankrupt.
She was found at a charity center for homeless dogs by Sato, who began blogging about her pets in 2009. The name Kabosu was given to her by volunteers because her face, with its regular round shape, resembled the citrus fruit "kabosu."