Kabul Wants Russia to Help Rebuild Afghanistan, Industry Minister Says

© Sputnik . Kirill ZykovRussia - Islamic World International Economic Forum (KazanForum)
Russia - Islamic World International Economic Forum (KazanForum) - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 17.05.2024
KAZAN, Russia (Sputnik) - The official's comments came from the International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" in the Russian city of Kazan.
The Afghan government in Kabul wants Russia to help it rebuild Afghanistan, the acting commerce and industry minister told Sputnik on the sidelines of an international economic forum in Russia’s Kazan.
"We would like Russia to participate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and contribute to this process," Haji Nooruddin Azizi said."
The Taliban*, which is under UN sanctions for terrorism, took over Kabul in summer 2021, ending almost 20 years of US military presence. Russia does not officially recognize the Taliban-run acting government, saying it needs to be more inclusive.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk, in turn, said that Moscow is interested in Afghanistan exporting its agricultural products to the Russian market.
"We are very interested in Afghanistan exporting its agricultural products to our market. Last year, they have already started importing grapes, mixed nuts and dried fruit. We think that the rage of goods exported from Afghanistan will expand," Overchuk said.
Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation is pictured in central Moscow, Russia - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 16.05.2024
Russia's Possible Lifting Taliban's Terrorist Status Not Breaching UN Resolutions, Moscow States
The International Economic Forum of Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) "Russia — Islamic World: KazanForum" is being held in Kazan, the capital of the Muslim-majority Russian region of Tatarstan, from May 14-19.
* The Taliban is listed as a terrorist organization by the United Nations in UNSCR 1267.