Sub-Saharan Africa
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Zambia Teams Up With Russian Cybersecurity Giant Kaspersky to Fight Online Fraud

© Sputnik . Vladimir Trefilov / Go to the mediabankRansomware attacks global IT systems
Ransomware attacks global IT systems - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 15.05.2024
This collaboration comes amid a surge in cyberattacks in many countries across the African continent, including Zambia. This partnership signifies the Southern African country's proactive approach to addressing the growing concern of cybercrime and securing its digital landscape.
Zambia is partnering with global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky to combat the growing threat of cybercrime in the country. This week, Kaspersky representatives met with Zambia's Minister of Science and Technology Felix Mutati to discuss their efforts in tackling cybercrime.
Minister Mutati highlighted the government's commitment to digital safety, assuring investors and citizens of their online security.
"The government is working hard to ensure digital safety in the country to assure investors and citizens of their safety online," Minister Mutati told local media following the meeting. "I briefed that team how we are beefing up our digital infrastructure in the country to ensure that the country continues to attract investments."
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Recognizing Kaspersky's expertise beyond antivirus software, the minister sought their support in building capacity for a secure cyberspace in Zambia.
"I asked the team for capacity building so that we can have a safe cyberspace for our citizens," he noted.
Permanent Secretary for Technology and Science Brilliant Habeenzu urged collaboration between the private sector and the government to combat cybercrime, highlighting the significant financial losses Zambians suffer due to online fraud.
Genie Sugene Gan, Kaspersky's director for government affairs and public policy, pledged to work with law enforcement agencies in Zambia to counter cyberattacks.
The Kaspersky official emphasized Africa's vulnerability to cyber threats due to the rising volume of attacks targeting the continent annually.