Sub-Saharan Africa
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Russia Plans to Invest in Infrastructure Projects in Africa, Official Says

CC0 / Meghan Rodgers / Port infrastructurePort infrastructure
Port infrastructure - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 14.05.2024
In August 2023, First Deputy Head of the Russian Industry and Trade Ministry Vasily Osmakov revealed that the ministry would like to set up logistics hubs in Africa and to support the international North-South transport corridor.
Russia plans to invest in the creation of industrial parks, logistics centers and port infrastructure in African countries, an official of the Russian Industry and Trade Ministry, Roman Chekushov, said.
It is also planned to invest in the infrastructure of the Asian countries, including China, and the countries of Latin America, according to Chekushov, Head of the Ministry's Department of International Cooperation and Licensing in Foreign Trade.
"At the moment, we have about 12 projects [in this regard] in the works, but this is not the final number. It may change both downward and upward depending on the investment activity of our companies, both logistics and management companies that will create industrial parks," he added.
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with Chelyabinsk Region Governor Alexei Teksler in Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Friday, February 16, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 16.02.2024
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Now, the budget application for these initiatives is being formed because this infrastructure will be financed in the 2025-2030 period, the official said, noting that this is a new cycle of national projects.
Earlier, first deputy head of the ministry disclosed the body's intention to establish a logistics hub on the African continent and to support the international North-South transport corridor.
In November 2023, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said that Russia could participate in the development of transport and communication infrastructure, as well as industry, in Africa.