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Who Might Join New Russian Government?

This week, the Russian parliament is expected to effectively determine the composition of Russia’s new government by reviewing the candidacies proposed by President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
The following infographic compiled by Sputnik allows you to take stock of who is who in this yet-to-be-formed government.
The infographic highlights the changes in the government, pointing out which officials may retain their positions and which may be assigned to new posts after the parliament finishes its review.
Some of the candidates, proposed by the president, are scheduled for review and confirmation by the upper chamber of the Russian parliament (the Federation Council) on May 13. These posts include the ministers of foreign affairs, internal affairs, defense, justice, emergency, along with the heads of defense and security services.
Meanwhile, the lower chamber of parliament (the State Duma) will deliberate on other ministerial roles, proposed by the reappointed prime minister, on May 13 and 14.