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UN Chief Expresses Condolences, Offers Help to Flood Victims in East Africa

© Photo X / @InteriorKEFloods in Kenya
Floods in Kenya - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 03.05.2024
The destructive rains in East Africa are the result of a variety of factors, including seasonal weather patterns in countries, anthropogenic climate change, and natural weather events such as El Niño.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres sends his condolences to the governments and people of the countries affected by severe flooding in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, the UN chief's spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in a statement.
The Secretary-General emphasized that the UN stands ready to offer additional assistance during "this difficult period," the statement said.
"The United Nations and its partners are working closely with national authorities to address humanitarian requirements," the spokesman added.
In addition, Guterres is "extremely concerned" about the impacts of El Nino-triggered extreme weather, which risk further devastating communities and undermining their livelihoods, the statement said.
A child walks through an area after a river broke through a blocked tunnel causing floodwaters in the Mai Mahiu area of Nakuru County, Kenya, Monday, April 29, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.05.2024
What Causes Deadly Floods in Kenya and East Africa in General?
Kenya has experienced its worst flooding since March, killing at least 188 people, according to the interior ministry.
The Kenyan government on Wednesday warned that the situation could become catastrophic as the ground across the country is completely saturated with water, and ordered all citizens living in flood-prone areas to leave within 48 hours.
The Kenya Meteorological Department warned that heavy rainfall will continue this week, with the potential for flooding and landslides in some areas.
The rains, which began in March, also affected other East African countries. In Tanzania, which borders Kenya, floods and landslides killed 155 people. Uganda, Burundi and Somalia also suffered casualties and significant damage.