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Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company Wants to Establish Plant in Zimbabwe

© Photo X / @KENYAinIRANIran Tractor Manufacturing Company (ITMCO) tractor
Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company (ITMCO) tractor - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 29.04.2024
In February, visa restrictions for Zimbabweans were removed by Iran. Last year, the two countries signed 12 memoranda of understanding on cooperation in various fields.
Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company (ITMCO) wants to establish a plant in Zimbabwe, the African country's state media The Herald reported.
The company's investment plan was unveiled during a meeting between Zimbabwe's Vice President Constantine Chiwenga and Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber on the sidelines of the ongoing second edition of the Iran-Africa International Economic Conference.
"Zimbabwe welcomes the Iran Tractor Manufacturing Company to set up a plant in Zimbabwe. I hope that this critical project will enhance Zimbabwe's agricultural mechanization program and productivity," Chiwenga said.
The entrance to the new Parliament building where Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivered his State of the Nation Address in Mt Hampden, about 18 kilometres west of the capital Harare, Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2022. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.03.2024
Lifting Sanctions While Imposing Others Is 'Biggest' Sign of US Double Standards: ZANU-PF
He also highlighted the need "for closer cooperation between Zimbabwe and Iran to mitigate the effect of the sanction."
Western countries had imposed sanctions on the two nations. In early March, the US government announced the lifting of certain economic sanctions on Zimbabwe, which were imposed about 20 year ago due to alleged poor governance and human rights violations. Simultaneously, the US introduced new punitive measures on 11 Zimbabwean officials, including the country's President Emmerson Mnangagwa.