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Russian Agricultural Export Growth Statistics

The Russian Federal Customs Service recently reported an increase in Russian exports of food and agricultural commodities, a surge that occurred despite unprecedented and concerted Western sanctions targeting virtually every Russian industry.
The ongoing and massive farmers' protests throughout Europe really put things into perspective when it comes to comparing agrarian powerhouses.
While some nations clearly struggle to the point of sparking political unrest, Russia seems to be completely unfazed by the ceaseless sanctions.
Official figures indicate that the industry has grown exponentially since the early noughties, allowing Russia to become entirely self-sufficient domestically, and increase its production and export volumes to the never-before-seen levels.
Russian exports cover not just grains (which is a traditional part of national export), but also different meats, vegetables, oils, sweets, dairy, and fish.
Check out Sputnik's infographic to learn more about the Russian farming surge!