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Russia Can Bring Chad Back 'On Path to Real Independence,' Burkinabe Expert Believes

© Sputnik . POOL / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin and the transitional president of the Republic of Chad Mahamat Idriss Deby during a meeting on January 24, 2024.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and the transitional president of the Republic of Chad Mahamat Idriss Deby during a meeting on January 24, 2024. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.01.2024
Abdoulaye Nabaloum, a Burkinabe pan-Africanist, in his interview to Sputnik Africa dissected the issues of the recent visit of the Chadian transitional President to Moscow.
Moscow could bring Chad back "on the path to sovereignty and real independence," Burkinabe pan-Africanist Abdoulaye Nabaloum told Sputnik Africa.
The expert further argued that by speaking with Vladimir Putin, Chad’s transitional president Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, could "gain support from his people, because Russia today symbolizes sovereignty," the expert said.
“So getting closer to Russia gives you a fairly high popularity rating,” he explained. However, the African leader “cannot escape from the clutches of France.”
This is why "we recommend to the Chadian people to always put pressure on their leaders so that they can finally turn towards countries like Russia, like China and other countries and other institutions like the BRICS which offer a new perspective of global governance and strategic collaboration," he concludes.
Tuesday marked the official visit of Deby to the Russian capital, Moscow. He was received at the Kremlin by Russian President Vladimir Putin the following day. The latter stated that relations between the two countries have continued to advance substantially in recent years.