CIS to Continue Promoting Russian as Language of Int'l Communication: Kremlin
© Sputnik . Mikhail Klimentiev / Go to the mediabankRussian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the informal summit of the heads of state - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

© Sputnik . Mikhail Klimentiev
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MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) now consists of 11 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.
The Commonwealth of Independent States will continue to work on projects aimed at protection and promotion of Russian as the language of international communication during Russia's 2024 chairmanship, the Kremlin said on Monday.
"The work on the CIS countries’ joint projects aimed at protecting, supporting and promoting the Russian language as the language of international communication will continue, as well as the work to launch practical activities of an international Russian language organization with open membership for all countries sharing its goals and principles," the statement read.
Another important focus of the Russian chairmanship in the CIS will be confronting the "cancel culture" and other levers of negative impact on the cultural environment across the organization uniting former Soviet countries, the Kremlin said.
Moreover, Russia and other CIS members will support measures aimed at preventing the falsification of history and rehabilitation of nazism, the statement read.
The Russian CIS 2024 Chairmanship Concept added that the members of CIS will continue to enhance joint counterterrorism measures, measures against transnational criminal activity and money laundering.
"[The members] will continue to strengthen mechanisms to jointly counter traditional and new challenges and threats, such as terrorism, extremism, transnational crime, money laundering, illegal trafficking of drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices," the document read.
Special attention will be drawn to implementing an Interstate Program of Joint Measures to Combat Crime for 2024-2028, Cooperation Program on Countering Terrorism and Extremism for 2023-2025 as well as to launching an international center for assessing the risks of money laundering and funding terrorism.
"The CIS is expected to raise cooperation potential on the mentioned issues with the relevant structures as the UN, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), as well as with other organizations. We will continue to carry out joint operations on detecting and eliminating drug and illegal firearms trafficking channels. In the field of ensuring biological security efforts will be directed to strengthening the biological risk monitoring system, developing common principles and approaches when responding to them, and information exchange," the concept read.
Also, as follows from the concept, the priority task in the energy sphere for the period of Russia’s 2024 chairmanship in CIS will be ensuring energy security.
"The priority tasks in the energy sphere for the period of Russian chairmanship will be: ensuring energy security; effective use of energy resources and opportunities of the international energy trade for raising competitiveness of the national economies; ensuring scientific and technological development of sectors of the fuel and energy complex of the CIS member states; low-carbon energy development; deepening cooperation in the field of specialist training,” the document read.