Israel-Palestine Escalation
Israel was hit by an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip on October 7, with Hamas movement's troops infiltrating border areas. On October 8, the Israeli government announced that it had invoked Article 40 of the Basic Law, which means the country was officially in a state of war.

Israel Demands Explanations From Media Whose Reporters Accompanied Hamas on October 7

© AP Photo / Ali MahmudPalestinian militants drive back to the Gaza Strip with the body of Shani Louk, a German-Israeli dual citizen
Palestinian militants drive back to the Gaza Strip with the body of Shani Louk, a German-Israeli dual citizen - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 09.11.2023
TEL AVIV (Sputnik) - This comes after the Honest Reporting non-governmental organization accused these news agencies' photojournalists, who filmed Hamas fighters infiltrating Israel and killing civilians on October 7, of being implicated in the attack.
Israel's Government Press Office (GPO) said on Thursday that its Director Nitzan Chen had sent an urgent letter to the heads of the regional bureaus of Associated Press (AP), Reuters, CNN and New York Times, demanding clarification over their photojournalists being near Hamas combatants during their October 7 attack on Israel and filming the events.
"GPO Director Nitzan Chen demands explanations from the bureau chiefs of AP, Reuters, CNN and the New York Times over disturbing findings by Honest Reporting on involvement of their photographers in the events of October 7th, which crosses every professional and moral red line. Four photographers who work for these networks documented the horrors perpetrated by the Hamas terrorists after they broke through the border fence with Israel. They filmed the murder of civilians, the abuse of bodies and the abduction of men and women," GPO wrote on X.
The Israeli Prime Minister's Office's National Public Diplomacy Directorate, for its part, demanded immediate action against these photojournalists, describing them as "photographers in the service of Hamas."
"These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics," the prime minister's office wrote on X.
Later in the day, the Israeli embassy in Germany published data about several journalists of global media agencies who accompanied Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, including a photograph taken by AP reporter Ali Mahmud of 22-year-old Shani Louk, who was kidnapped and later killed in Hamas custody.
"Here we have an AP photo taken by Ali Mahmud, who documented the kidnappings of Israelis to the Gaza Strip. Mahmud photographed the pickup with the body of dual German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk, who was brutally killed and paraded in the Gaza Strip," the embassy wrote on X.
Louk's story attracted the attention of the world's media after her mother recognized her on footage released by Hamas. Louk's mother recorded a video address, asking the German authorities to get her daughter out of the Gaza Strip and bring her back home. On the video published by Hamas, a young girl is lying face down in a pickup truck, held down by Hamas militants, with her legs unnaturally twisted. The mother recognized her by the tattoos on her legs.
People walk between posters of hostages abducted by Hamas militants in Gaza, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 30.10.2023
Israel-Palestine Escalation
Germany, Israel Confirm Death of Dual Citizen Taken Hostage by Hamas
On October 30, the foreign ministries of Israel and Germany confirmed Louk's death.