- Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.04.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate and defend the inhabitants of the Donbass region, where people have been suffering from a blockade and regular attacks by the Kiev regime's forces since 2014.

White House Reportedly Urges Lawmakers to 'Sell' US Aid for Ukraine as Beneficial for Economy

© AFP 2023 JONATHAN ERNSTUS President Joe Biden addresses the nation on the conflict between Israel and Gaza and the conflagration in Ukraine from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on October 19, 2023.
US President Joe Biden addresses the nation on the conflict between Israel and Gaza and the conflagration in Ukraine from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on October 19, 2023. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 26.10.2023
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – Last week, the Biden administration sent a $106 billion supplemental funding request to Congress that includes aid for Israel and Ukraine, as well as money for US border security.
The White House has been urging Republicans and Democrats to defend and sell the continuation of the US aid for Ukraine as beneficial for domestic economy, Politico reported on Wednesday citing unnamed aides and lawmakers familiar with the effort.
Republicans and Democrats who support the continuation of generous material support for Kiev in the conflict with Russia received from the White House a set of special talking points that would help them make the case that aiding Ukraine is good for American jobs, the report said.
A new approach to seeking support for US President Joe Biden's policy to continue funding the Ukrainian military suggests that the previous tactic of persuasion by invoking US national security interests has not worked.
“This supplemental request invests over $50 billion in the American defense industrial base — ensuring our military continues to be the most ready, capable, and best equipped fighting force the world has ever seen — and expanding production lines, strengthening the American economy and creating new American jobs,” the report cited a document with the talking points as saying.
Last week, the Biden administration sent a $106 billion supplemental funding request to Congress that includes aid for Israel and Ukraine, as well as money for US border security. In particular, the White House's request includes $61.4 billion in assistance for Ukraine, with another $14.3 billion intended for Israeli aid as a growing number of US polls show a decline in public support of additional aid for Kiev.