Sub-Saharan Africa
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At Least Six People Reportedly Killed in Suicide Car Bomb Explosion in Somalia

© AP Photo / Mohamed Sheikh NorAl-Shabaab fighters.
Al-Shabaab fighters.  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.10.2023
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Since the mid-2000s, al-Shabaab*, a military group with close ties to al-Qaeda*, has waged a violent insurgency against the Somali government and remains active in neighboring Ethiopia and Kenya.
Six people have been killed, nine others injured in a suicide car bomb attack at the Ceelasha Biyaha checkpoint near Somalia’s capital city of Mogadishu, the Somali National News Agency (SONNA) reported Saturday.
The attack was organized by militants of al-Shabaab radical group, SONNA reported, adding that the explosion also caused property damage, including houses near the area.

The police noted that this was already the fifth such incident, when a car filled with explosive devices tried to enter the capital, the news agency reported.

Similarly, in late September, a suicide bomber packed a truck with explosives and blew it up at a border checkpoint in the central Somalian city of Beledweyne. The bombing was the deadliest terrorist attack in the country this year, killing 32 people and injuring dozens.
On September 22, the Somali government asked the AU peacekeeping mission (ATMIS) to postpone its withdrawal for three months due to "several significant setbacks".
#ATMIS and Somali Security Forces troops intensified joint patrols in the Barawe district, South West State, to thwart Al-Shabaab attacks. - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.09.2023
Sub-Saharan Africa
Somalia Requests AU Peacekeeping Mission Delay Withdrawal by 3 Months
In accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2670, which directs the mission to transfer security responsibilities in agreed areas to Somali security forces, ATMIS completed the first phase of its drawdown in Somalia by the end of June this year, withdrawing 2,000 peacekeepers and handing over six bases to Somali forces. By the end of September, ATMIS was to have withdrawn another 3,000 troops.
* al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda are terrorist groups banned in Russia and many other countries.