Israel-Palestine Escalation
Israel was hit by an unprecedented rocket attack from the Gaza Strip on October 7, with Hamas movement's troops infiltrating border areas. On October 8, the Israeli government announced that it had invoked Article 40 of the Basic Law, which means the country was officially in a state of war.
Israeli soldiers ordered a Palestinian who ran at them with a knife to undress at the site of a music festival near the border with the Gaza Strip on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023.  - Sputnik Africa

Live Updates: LAS Condemns Israel’s Attempt to Provoke Displacement in Gaza Strip

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Friday that it has called on all civilians of Gaza City to evacuate southwards "for their own safety."
The IDF claimed that forces of Palestinian movement Hamas "are hiding in Gaza City inside tunnels underneath houses and inside buildings populated with innocent Gazan civilians," adding that it will "continue to operate significantly in Gaza City and make extensive efforts to avoid harming civilians."
"The IDF calls for the evacuation of all civilians of Gaza City from their homes southwards for their own safety and protection and move to the area south of the Wadi Gaza," the IDF said on Telegram, adding that the city's population will be able to return to their homes "only when another announcement permitting it is made."
The IDF also called on civilians not to approach "the area of the security fence with the State of Israel."
On October 7, the Palestinian group Hamas carried out a sudden and large-scale rocket attack against Israel from the Gaza Strip. This prompted Israel to declare a state of war on the following day, and launch counter-strikes against Hamas. On October 9, Israel imposed a total blockade on the Gaza Strip, resulting in a disruption of supplies such as water, food, and fuel.
Both Israel and Palestine have reported over 1,000 deaths and thousands of injuries as a result of the escalation.
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18:47 13.10.2023
Israeli Drones Striking Hezbollah Targets in Lebanon
Israeli drones are striking the positions of the Lebanese movement Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said on Friday.
"IDF: Initial report – An IDF UAV is currently striking terror targets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization in Lebanon," the IDF said on Telegram.
16:59 13.10.2023
IDF says responds with tank and artillery fire to shelling from Lebanon
16:31 13.10.2023
Turkey to Continue Sending Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Strip, Erdogan Says
Turkey will continue sending humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip with Egypt’s mediation, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday.
"We, together with Egypt, will continue to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza … We invite all parties to negotiate first a ceasefire and then a lasting peace. The actions of some countries, pouring gasoline on the fire instead of calling for calm, are deepening the crisis," Erdogan said during a speech.
16:27 13.10.2023
Palestinian prime minister calls blockade of Gaza Strip war crime
16:27 13.10.2023
Putin on Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: We Need to Think About Civilian Population
The participants in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict need to think about the civilian population, despite the serious escalation of actions on both sides, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday.
"Of course, we understand the logic of events, but despite all the escalation on both sides, I still think that, of course, we need to think about the civilian population," Putin told a press conference, following his visit to Kyrgyzstan.
Israel was faced with an unprecedented attack that has never happened in its history, but the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) are responding with quite brutal methods, Putin said.
"Not all people [in Gaza Strip] support Hamas, by the way. Not all of them. Should everyone suffer? Including women and children? Well, surely, hardly anyone will agree with this," Putin added.
The Palestinian people have the right to expect the creation of an independent state, just as they were promised, the Russian president concluded.
14:20 13.10.2023
Hamas military wing launches rockets towards IDF northern command headquarters
13:34 13.10.2023
King of Jordan Urges Opening Humanitarian Corridors to Deliver Aid to Gaza Strip
Jordanian King Abdullah II has met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and pointed to the necessity of opening humanitarian corridors to the Gaza Strip to deliver medical assistance amid the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the king's office said on Friday.
"His Majesty King Abdullah, receiving US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday, stressed the need to open humanitarian corridors to allow for the delivery of medical and relief aid into Gaza, while protecting civilians and working to end the escalation and the war on Gaza," the statement read.
The king warned of "any attempt to forcibly displace the Palestinians from all the Palestinian Territories" or cause their internal displacement, the statement said. He also called for preventing the crisis spillover into neighboring nations and the deterioration of the refugee issue, it added.
"King Abdullah said the work of international agencies in the Gaza Strip must not be hindered, to enable them to perform their humanitarian duties, stressing the importance of stepping up international efforts to end the escalation in Gaza and its surroundings and prevent a further deterioration of the situation and its spillover into the West Bank," the statement said.
13:33 13.10.2023
Hamas Urges Gazans to Ignore Israeli Calls for Relocation to Region's South
The Hamas-run authorities in the Gaza Strip have urged the population of the conflict-hit region to ignore Israeli calls to flee to the south of the exclave, Salama Marouf, head of the Hamas government media office, said on Friday.
"The occupational army does not give up attempts to shake up the home front with false information. Calling on employees of international organizations to move south is among such attempts. We call on our citizens not to give in to these attempts, which are a part of psychological war. We would like to underline that all employees of these organizations are still in their places," the spokesman wrote on social media.
13:10 13.10.2023
Israeli army declares area near northernmost city of Metula a closed military zone
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Friday declared Metula, a northern town close to the border with Lebanon, a closed military zone.
“Based on the assessment of the situation, a decision was made to establish a closed military zone in the area of the settlement of Metula. The IDF clarifies that entry into the area is strictly prohibited and asks the public to be vigilant and not enter the area,” the IDF said in a statement.
12:23 13.10.2023
LAS condemns Israel’s attempt to provoke displacement in the Gaza Strip
12:14 13.10.2023
Threats of Execution of Israeli Captives Will Not Stop IDF, Foreign Ministry Says
Hamas and their allies are fully responsible for the safety of Israeli captives, and their threats to execute them will not stop the Israeli military, the foreign ministry’s spokesman, Walid Abu Haya, told Sputnik on Friday.
“We hold Hamas and [Islamic] Jihad responsible for the safety of the hostages in Gaza. We are now in a state of war, and we are striving to end it, and after that there will be talk about hostages, and the military operation will not stop because of this issue,” the spokesman said.
11:52 13.10.2023
Russian President Vladimir Putin's statements on Palestine-Israel conflict
10:21 13.10.2023
In light of Israel's actions, Iran's foreign minister is not excluding the possibility of opening new fronts
 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 13.10.2023
Israel-Palestine Escalation
Iran's Foreign Minister Not Ruling Out Opening of New Fronts in Light of Israel's Actions
10:14 13.10.2023
Hamas Says 13 Hostages in Various Locations in Gaza Strip Killed in Israeli Strikes
A total of 13 captives held in various locations in the Gaza Strip were killed in Israel's strikes, the military wing of the Palestinian movement Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, said on Friday.
"Thirteen prisoners of war, including foreigners, were killed as a result of intense Zionist bombing of the Northern and Gaza provinces over the past 24 hours. Six of them died in the Northern province in two different places, and seven in the Gaza Province in three different places, affected by barbaric enemy bombings," the military wing wrote on social media.
09:22 13.10.2023
As Many As 423,378 People Flee Their Homes in Gaza Amid Conflict With Israel: OCHA
A total of 423,378 people have been forced to flee their homes in the Gaza Strip since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict escalated, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said Thursday.
"As of 23:00 today, the number of IDPs [internally displaced persons] has risen by an additional 84,444 people and reached 423,378, with UNRWA [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East] hosting around 64 per cent of them in 102 premises operated as designated emergency shelter," OCHA said in the latest flash update on hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel.
The office said an additional 26,984 people had taken refuge at 29 Palestinian Authority schools.
OCHA has also called for $294 million for humanitarian aid to help over 1.2 million people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
09:20 13.10.2023
Ex-Israeli Leader Explodes on TV Host For Asking About Palestinian Babies in Incubators
Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett erupted at a Sky News host during an interview on Thursday for asking him about the fate of Palestinian babies, whose life support in incubators will have to be turned off due to the cut-off in electricity supply.
"Are you seriously keep on asking me about Palestinian civilians?! What's, what's wrong with you?! Have you not seen what happened?! We're fighting Nazis!" Bennett said when asked by the host about "the babies in incubators, whose life support in incubators will have to be turned off because the Israelis have cut the power to Gaza."
Bennett added that the Israeli military does not target civilians.
"Now, the world can come and bring them anything they want, if you wanna bring them electricity. I'm not gonna feed electricity or water to my enemy. If anyone else wants, that's fine. We're not responsible for them," the ex-prime minister said in an interview.
When the host asked Bennett not to raise his voice during the interview, the ex-prime minister fired back by saying: "Shame on you, mister."
09:18 13.10.2023
Israeli Ambassador to UN Slams UN Over Its Reaction to Relocation Order for Gaza Residents
Gilad Erdan, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, on Thursday slammed the UN's call on Israel to rescind the army's order for the population of Gaza north and the UN staff to relocate to southern Gaza as "shameful" and urged the organization to focus on hostages instead.
"The UN's response to Israel's early warning to the residents of Gaza is shameful! For many years, the UN has turned a blind eye to the arming of Hamas and its use of the civilian population and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip as a hiding place for its weapons and murder," Erdan said in a statement.
Earlier on Thursday, Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, told Sputnik in a statement that the Israeli military notified the United Nations that the entire population of Gaza north, or approximately 1.1 million people, and the UN staff should relocate to southern Gaza within the next 24 hours. The UN urged Israel to rescind the order as it considered it "impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences."
"Now, instead of standing by Israel, whose citizens were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists and who tries to minimize harm to those not involved, it preaches to Israel. It is better for the UN to focus now on returning the hostages, condemning Hamas, and supporting Israel's right to defend itself," the ambassador added.
09:16 13.10.2023
Ecuador Sending Aircraft to Israel to Evacuate Nationals
Ecuador will send a plane to Israel on Saturday to evacuate its citizens from the conflict zone, President Guillermo Lasso said.

"Amid the difficult situation that Israel is experiencing due to the Hamas attack, we have taken various actions to guarantee the lives of the Ecuadorians who are there as residents or tourists," the president wrote on X (formerly known as Twitter).

A total of 140 Ecuadorian citizens, most of them tourists, have already left Israel. Lasso said a humanitarian flight has been prepared for departure on Saturday capable of evacuating 260 citizens from Tel Aviv in one flight.