Situation in Niger After Military Coup
On July 26, Niger's presidential guard detained President Mohamed Bazoum. The guard's commander, Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani, proclaimed himself the country's new leader.

Nigeriens Demonstrate in Front of French Military Base: Video

© AFP 2023 -French military base in Niger
French military base in Niger - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 02.10.2023
After July's military coup in Niger, the new authorities demanded the withdrawal of 1,500 French soldiers and also asked the French ambassador to leave the West African country. Since early September 2, anti-French demonstrations have been held in the country's capital.
On Sunday, Nigerien civil society organizations supporting the new national military authorities organized a march "followed by sit-ins" to mark the month of demonstrations in front of the French military base in Niamey and celebrate the departure of the French ambassador.
Thousands of people marched a distance of three kilometers before gathering near the base, at the Escadrille roundabout renamed "Place de la Resistance" (Resistance Square). The demonstration was supported and promoted by the key workers' unions.

Just the Beginning

"This victory is not, if you like, a total victory of this revolution, it is only the beginning. We call on the entire Nigerien population to mobilize until the last French soldier leaves Niger," declared the demonstrators cited on social networks.
Nigerien Foreign Minister Bakary Yaou Sangare spoke during the demonstration. He outlined the content of the speech he wanted to give at the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations, but was prevented from delivering. He notably accused France of being behind these manipulations, as reported by the Anadolu agency.
Nigeriens, some holding Russian flags, participate in a march called by supporters of coup leader Gen. Abdourahmane Tchiani in Niamey, Nige - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 28.09.2023
Situation in Niger After Military Coup
Nigeriens Hold Concert to Celebrate French Envoy's Departure From Country

Relationships at Their Lowest

Following last July's military coup, tensions has persisted between the French authorities and those of its former colony. The ruling military are calling for the withdrawal of French troops from the country. They also plan to dictate future relations with France, asserted General Abdourahamane Tchiani on Saturday in two interviews given in local languages, one in Djerma, the other in Hausa, to the national television station, Tele Sahel.
Last week, President Macron announced the immediate departure of the French ambassador in Niamey and the withdrawal 1,500 or so French troops deployed in Niger, "by the end of the year". Thousands of Nigeriens have demonstrated every day since September 2 in front of the French base in Niamey to demand a prompt departure of the contingent.