- Sputnik Africa, 1920, 10.04.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate and defend the inhabitants of the Donbass region, where people have been suffering from a blockade and regular attacks by the Kiev regime's forces since 2014.

President of Honduras Calls Conflict in Ukraine a Battle of Economic Interests

© Photo United NationsHonduran President Xiomara Castro delivers speech to UN General Assembly
Honduran President Xiomara Castro delivers speech to UN General Assembly - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 21.09.2023
MEXICO CITY (Sputnik) - The United Nations is hosting the heads of state and government from at least 145 countries between 19 and 22 September at its headquarters in New York for its annual General Assembly.
The conflict in Ukraine is a battle of major economic interests, Honduran President Xiomara Castro said at the UN General Assembly in New York.
"Today, major economic interests confront each other in the war in Ukraine; in the end, those most affected are the poorest countries and people in the world, devastated by inflation, shortages and high fuel prices," Castro said.
She said the defense industry sector consumes the most part of the budgets of developed countries.
"The military industrial complex consumes the majority of the budgets of developed countries with trillions and trillions of dollars, but it contrasts with the indifference and inability to contribute to humanity and the defense of nature. The world of Bretton Woods is hitting rock bottom, now we have to recognize that under the current pace we are not achieving the objectives of sustainable development and financing for climate adaptation. It is not about taking measures, but about proposing changes to the economic system that require a deep commitment to humanity and nature," Castro said.
Ukrainian soldiers injured  - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.09.2023
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Ukraine's Counteroffensive Does Not Guarantee Return of Lost Territories, Says US General
The 78th session of the General Assembly is aimed at addressing the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, responding to the threats of climate change and coordinating cooperation on health issues.