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Malian Authorities Unable to Confirm Receiving Pentagon Emails Sent by Mistake: Source

© AP Photo / Misper ApawuThe seat of the representative of Mali
The seat of the representative of Mali - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 19.07.2023
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - On Monday, the Financial Times reported that over the past decade, millions of emails intended for the Pentagon were wrongly sent to electronic addresses located in Mali. The error happened due to typos made when entering Mali's ".ML" web domain instead of the Department of Defense's ".MIL".
The Malian authorities are unable to confirm that they have been receiving Pentagon emails sent to the local domain by mistake, a source in the Malian government told Sputnik.
"We have learned about US emails sent by mistake to the Malian domain, but we cannot confirm that we have received them," the source said.
The source also said that the US authorities did not contact the Malian government over the issue.
On Monday, spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that the Pentagon was aware of unauthorized disclosures of controlled national security information and a policy to ensure emails are not sent to incorrect domains again had been introduced.