Uzbekistan to Hold Snap Presidential Election on Sunday

© Sputnik . Grigory Sysoev / Go to the mediabankUzbekistan's snap presidential election
Uzbekistan's snap presidential election - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 09.07.2023
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A snap presidential election will be held in Uzbekistan on Sunday.
The most popular candidates are incumbent Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, Ulugbek Inoyatov of the People's Democratic Party, Robakhon Makhmudova of the Justice Social Democratic Party and Abdushukur Khamzayev of the Ecological Party.
On May 8, the Uzbek parliament passed a bill proposed by Mirziyoyev that would allow for presidential election to be held across the country.
On April 30, the country held a nationwide referendum on a new version of the constitution, which extends the presidential term from five to seven years and allows the incumbent president to be re-elected after two consecutive terms.

The country's Central Election Commission said that there are 19.414 million registered voters in Uzbekistan, with 10,784 polling stations.

Citizens can also vote abroad - 56 fixed polling stations were opened in 39 countries. The results of the election are planned to be summed up on Monday morning.
According to the legislation, 33% of registered voters must cast their ballots in order for the elections to be recognized as valid.
All five officially registered parties in Uzbekistan were allowed to run in the elections.