Sub-Saharan Africa
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Inventive DRC Smugglers Reportedly Carry Corn in Coffins Amid Rising Food Prices

 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 22.04.2023
The cost of a 25-kilogram bag of corn meal most commonly bought by families in the Central African nation has reportedly jumped as much as 80% in recent days in Lubumbashi in the DR Congo to as much as 90,000 francs ($44).
Rising corn prices in the Democratic Republic of Congo have forged an opportunity for those who want to enrich themselves to smuggle corn meal from neighboring Zambia, while trade restrictions have led smugglers to employ creative concealment strategies where even coffins are in use, local media has reported.

Smugglers are reportedly using crushed stone, sand, coffins, and bags of sugar to conceal corn meal.
According to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Zambia managed to achieve a surplus corn crop last year, reaching its all-time high (3.6 million tonnes).
This created a lucrative arbitrage opportunity for Congolese illegal importers from Zambia, where the kilogram bag of corn meal costs about $10, four times less than in the DRC.
However, while Zambia produced surpluses for the past three seasons, the nation only has enough corn remaining to meet its own demand until the next harvest becomes available in the coming weeks, Agriculture Minister Reuben Phiri said in comments to the broadcaster, explaining why Zambia imposed restrictions on corn exports.
Earlier, the Zambian Minister of Agriculture Reuben Mtolo said that the government would limit the supply of the commodity to millers in order to control the rise in the price of meal.