“The first immediate problem was that the Berlin Conference formalized the sort of exploitative relationship that European colonial powers had practiced with Africa for many centuries before. And here I'm referring to the transatlantic slave trade,” he explains.
“It was not just geographical. The most obvious effect is the geographical demarcation or splitting of people into different countries. So beyond that and the fact that a particular tribe which used to exist together under the same political arrangement in pre-colonial Africa used to perhaps exist under one rulership, let's say a king, and now found themselves being subject to two different political systems of political arrangement,” he elaborates.
“In any instance where a visionary African leader had emerged and tried to bring about change, any kind of meaningful change that would benefit African people, then we [see] military intervention, regime change. Whether you are talking about the murder of Patrice Lumumba in Zaire, the assassination of Thomas Sankara in Burkina Faso or the killing of Kwame Nkrumah or even as recently as 2011, the murder of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is basically the same thing. The underlying principle was the whole system of exploitation, the structure of exploitation, that the colonial masters had left in place. These African leaders had sought to dismantle those structures, and that was their wrongdoing, and they were swiftly gotten rid of,” Dr. Iyi asserts.