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After 64 Years of Independence, 'New Wave of Sovereignty' Emerging in Mali, Says Journalist

Mali, previously known as French Sudan, was a part of the French colonial empire for over a century. After World War II, a growing independence movement gained momentum in Mali. On September 22, 1960, French Sudan proclaimed its independence as the Republic of Mali. Modibo Keita became the first president.
A "new wave of sovereignty" is emerging in Mali after 64 years of independence, Moussa Naby Diakite, editor-in-chief of the Malian newspaper L'Elite, told Sputnik Africa in an interview.
Mali, which is celebrating its independence today, has not always known how to invest in its future, but now there is room for optimism, according to the journalist.
"There is this wave of sovereignty, dignity and courage to take charge of our country's destiny, to define partnerships within the framework of serene development," he emphasized.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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In particular, Bamako has distanced itself from the "manipulative West" and no longer submits to its dictates, which have hindered its development.

"Françafrique [France's sphere of influence over its former colonies in sub-Saharan Africa] has interfered in the management of the power of many presidents. It has been at the root of the confiscation of major projects for the population, with, of course, a recognized and historical responsibility of the servile leaders who lacked the courage to put the interests of their peoples first," recalled the journalist.