Sub-Saharan Africa
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US Proposes Assistance Package to Gabon to Prevent Chinese Military Base Establishment

The US has been struggling to maintain its military presence in Africa as some countries reconsider agreements or form alliances with other global powers. In cutting ties with the US, African governments often cite unproductive cooperation that has not delivered the promised results and does not benefit the interests of their people.
The US is preparing an economic and security aid package for Gabon to deter China from gaining a military presence in the strategically located Central African country, media reported, citing sources familiar with the situation.
The proposed deal includes training for Gabon’s special forces and funding to support the country’s democratic transition.
This move reportedly follows concerns from US officials about Chinese efforts to set up a military facility in Gabon, which they believe could lead to a more permanent base.
China Doesn't Interfere in African Affairs or Dictate Terms, Foreign Minister States
While the US is now offering a package to Gabon under the guise of security and economic assistance, China’s engagement on the continent has consistently aimed at promoting stability and prosperity, Beijing states.
Unlike the US, which has a history of establishing military bases worldwide, including near China's borders, China’s approach in Africa, as it has been consistently emphasized by the Asian country's officials, is rooted in collaboration and respect for African nations' sovereignty.