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Rwandan President Paul Kagame Fires Senior Military Officers in Major Purge

In recent years, several high-ranking officials have been dismissed for various offenses. In 2023, Major General Aloys Muganga was sacked due to excessive alcohol consumption, while Brigadier General Francis Mutiganda was dismissed for insubordination, media reported.
President Paul Kagame dismissed several high-ranking officers, according to a statement released by the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF) published on Friday.
Overall, the president authorized the dismissal of 21 senior and junior officers, along with the termination of contracts for 195 other military personnel of various ranks.
Brigadier General Ronald Rwivanga, RDF spokesperson, stated to local media that Major General Martin Nzaramba was removed from his position due to corruption and mismanagement of funds meant for soldiers’ welfare during his tenure as head of the Nasho Military Training Institute. Colonel Etienne Uwimana was dismissed for violating the military code of conduct, though specific details of his infractions were not disclosed.
Interestingly, Major General Nzaramba had already been retired since August 2023, the media reported. Despite his retirement, it appears he continued to serve in some capacity, a common practice for retired officers in Rwanda.
Sub-Saharan Africa
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The latest dismissals come on the heels of a high-level meeting between President Kagame and the top military brass to discuss the country’s security priorities. While the details of this meeting were not made public, the subsequent actions indicate a zero-tolerance approach to corruption and other forms of misconduct within the military.