Sub-Saharan Africa
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Key Member of Terrorist Group Eliminated by Nigerien Military, Army's Statement Says

In March, Niger reported that 23 of its soldiers lost their lives in a terrorist ambush that occurred in the country's western region of Tillaberi, near the borders with Burkina Faso and Mali.
A key member of the Daesh* group, Abdoulaye Souleymane Idouwal, has been eliminated by the Nigerien military, the army's statement says.
Abdoulaye Souleymane Idouwal, described as "an influential member of the Islamic State [Daesh]*," was killed by the army during a military raid in Niger's Tillaberi region.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Niger Interested in Placing Russian Military Base on Its Territory to Help Fight Terrorism
On Thursday, nine terrorists were destroyed and 31 detained, according to the military. It also added that it had "destroyed [the attackers'] means of travel" and "seized [their] means of communication."
*Daesh (ISIL/ ISIS/ IS) is a terrorist group banned in Russia and many other countries