Saudi Arabia's Participation in BRICS 'Undeniable Fact', Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Saudi Arabia's participation in BRICS is an "undeniable fact," as the kingdom has taken part in the organization's meetings and has been working alongside other member states since the beginning of the year, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said on Wednesday.
During the BRICS foreign ministers' meeting in Russia's Nizhny Novgorod in June, the Russian side received a signal from its Saudi counterparts that the evaluation of the official invitation to Saudi Arabia to join BRICS had not yet been fully completed, and therefore Saudi representatives did not participate in the full range of the association's events.

"Yes, Riyadh is certainly participating in BRICS. This is an undeniable fact. For more than half a year since the presidency was transferred to Russia, we have repeatedly welcomed representatives of the kingdom to our events. They have taken part in meetings and worked alongside everyone else," Ryabkov told a press conference of Sputnik's parent company, Rossiya Segodnya international media group, when asked whether Riyadh was fully participating in the organization, given the uncertainty about its role in BRICS.

The issue of the next possible BRICS enlargement is purely political, and Turkey, which has recently expressed its desire to join the organization, understands it and knows that the Russian chairmanship in the organization this year has two priorities: the successful integration of newcomers and the development of a category of partner states, the deputy minister said.
BRICS is not a geopolitical counterweight to the West, where there is no place for these countries, but a platform for all the sides to work together, he said. One of the main criteria for partnership with BRICS is "absolute and unconditional non-participation in any unilateral sanctions regimes directed against any of the current BRICS members," Ryabkov added.
BRICS was established in 2009 as a cooperation platform for the largest emerging economies, uniting Brazil, Russia, India, and China. South Africa joined the group in 2010. Russia assumed the bloc's rotating presidency on January 1. On the same day, BRICS expanded its membership to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates.