Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Rwanda Withdraws Its Signature From Ukraine Peace Summit Communique

Switzerland hosted the conference on the Ukraine crisis on June 15-16 near the city of Lucerne, in the resort town of Buergenstock. The summit aimed to agree on a path to lasting peace in Ukraine, focusing on financial aid, reconstruction plans, and ongoing diplomatic efforts. However, Russia was not invited.
Rwanda became the third nation to revoke its signature from the final communique of the conference on Ukraine, according to the list published on the website of the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Rwanda's withdrawal follows the earlier announcements that Iraq and Jordan had also withdrawn their signatures.
Out of almost 100 participating countries and organizations, 78 endorsed the result paper of the summit on Ukraine, the ministry's data showed.
The communique is "a living document," and states can join or withdraw their signatures at any time, according to the Swiss Foreign Ministry.
Some members of BRICS were present at the summit, but none of them signed the final version of the document.
Speaking of the Swiss-held conference's attendees, US President Joe Biden, as well as Chinese President Xi Jinping and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, did not attend.
Last Friday, Russia's President Vladimir Putin stated that if Ukraine complies with a number of requirements, he would be prepared to impose a truce and initiate peace negotiations. Crucially, Kiev must give up claims to all five formerly Ukrainian regions, such as Crimea, DPR, LPR, Kherson, and Zaporozhye, which have voted to join Russia, withdraw troops from these territories, formally drop its NATO bid, and guarantee it will not build up its military forces.
Putin's Full Speech at Foreign Ministry: Multipolarity, NATO & Europe, Russia's Peace Proposal
The Ukrainian authorities rejected the initiative. Putin also noted that Vladimir Zelensky’s term of office has expired, and his legitimacy cannot be restored by any means.
Moscow has repeatedly indicated that it is ready for negotiations, but Kyiv has introduced a ban on them at the legislative level. The West ignores Kiev’s constant refusals to engage in dialogue. Previously, the Kremlin stated that there are now no prerequisites for the situation in Ukraine to transition to a peaceful direction; the absolute priority for Russia is to achieve the goals of the special operation; at the moment, this is only possible through military means.
Putin noted later that if Ukraine wants a negotiation process, then theatrical gestures are not needed, the decree prohibiting negotiations with Russia must be cancelled. According to him, Russia has never been against resolving the conflict in Ukraine through peaceful means, subject to the security guarantees of the Russian Federation.
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