Sub-Saharan Africa
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'President Putin's Promise Fulfilled': CAR President Thanks Russia for Grain Supplies

Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged to provide 200,000 tonnes of free humanitarian grain aid to six African nations identified by the World Food Program as being in need owing to violence, climate change, and other circumstances during the second Russia-Africa Summit in July 2023.
President Faustin-Archange Touadéra expressed his gratitude for the support, as the Central African Republic (CAR) received a grain donation from Russia at the beginning of this year, fulfilling a promise made earlier by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In an interview with Russian media, President Touadéra highlighted that at last year's Russia-Africa Summit, Russian leader Vladimir Putin had committed to supplying grain to CAR free of charge.
"We have received these donations, and President Putin's promise has been fulfilled," he confirmed.
He also emphasized the importance of this aid, noting that "the people of CAR are very grateful" and mentioned that the decision has helped stabilize flour prices in the country.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Share of Sub-Saharan Africa, in Russia's Grain Exports Increases Greatly, Rusgrain Union Says
The nation received in January this year 50,000 tonnes of free Russian grain, as humanitarian aid, and the Russian Ambassador to the CAR, Alexander Bikantov, took part in the solemn ceremony of handing it over in a presence of Touadera, members of the government and National Assembly.