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Belgorod is Like Gaza, Where, Too, Civilians Shot at & Residential Neighborhoods Hit, Expert Says

On May 12, Russia's city of Belgorod came under a Ukrainian attack. A fragment of the enemy's downed Tochka-U projectile hit a residential building in the city, which led to the collapse of the building and at least 15 deaths with about 27 more people injured, according to the local authorities.
The Russian city of Belgorod is like the Gaza Strip, where, too, civilians are being shot at and kindergartens and residential neighborhoods are being hit, Russian political analyst, Andrey Souzdaltsev told Sputnik Africa.

"Russia is on its way to victory over Ukraine, and let's face it, over NATO. So Western experts, they are quite right in saying that victory over Ukraine means that NATO will fail. NATO is militarily useless," Souzdaltsev said.

Shot Down Ukrainian Projectile Destroys Part of Building in Russia's Belgorod: Russia's MoD
Terrorist attacks on Belgorod are carried out by Ukraine and the West, NATO in its person to "get even somehow," "to show they are capable of something," the analyst noted.
"It is a real by all norms of international law [...] terrorism," the scientist highlighted.
The Sunday terrorist attack was called the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova another bloody link in the chain of crimes of the Kiev regime. She added that Western sponsors are behind Zelensky’s "criminal group".