Sub-Saharan Africa
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'Russia, China Behave Better in Africa Than West,' DRC President Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - In March, the Russian government announced in a resolution that was posted on the official portal of legal information that it had approved a draft agreement on military cooperation with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Russia and China conduct relations with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) without "arrogance" and the desire to “read lectures,” the president said, noting that Moscow and Beijing behave better towards his country than Westerners, DRC President Felix Tshisekedi said.
The president added that the DRC has the right to have good relations with Russia.
"In France, Israel was condemned for some actions in Gaza. Does this prevent France from maintaining its relations with Israel? Why do they want to judge us when it comes to Africans? One should not judge us. We have the right to the friends we want and we are friends to all those who want to be our friends … Russians want friendship with Africa, DR Congo, why should we refuse? There are no reasons for that," Tshisekedi said.
The president added that China and Russia are "partners coming through the front door."

"I think they're the ones who will come out on top," he concluded.

Sub-Saharan Africa
'Opening Way to Discussions': DR Congo on Moscow's Approval of Military Cooperation Agreement
Tshisekedi is also expected to visit a forum with the participation of Russia and African countries to take place in June. However, the president did not specify what forum he was talking about.