Russian EU Mission Slams European Parliament Resolution on Presidential Election in Russia

In the resolution adopted by the European Parliament at the April plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs called for the results of the Russian presidential election, which the text described as undemocratic, not to be recognized.
The European Parliament's April 25 resolution on "Russian interference" in the presidential election resembles "tabloid reading" and shows that members of the European Parliament (MEPs) live in their own world, Russia's Acting Permanent Representative to the EU Kirill Logvinov said.
"There is a 'witch hunt' against political opponents, and references to unknown sources in the intelligence services, and a retelling of cheap (although who knows what they cost the customers) newspaper publications. In general, you can read it at night and forget it," he said.
Two passages in the resolution indicate that the EU is moving toward a "complete sweep of European information space" to isolate ordinary Europeans from alternative sources of information and an attempt to revise the outcome of World War II by accusing Russia of spreading "false historical narratives," Logvinov added.

"However, if the country that liberated Europe from Nazi slavery is targeted today, it is possible that sooner or later 'historical disputes' will begin within the European Union itself," he said.

Logvinov also pointed out that such "opuses" by MEPs are perceived as "attempts of direct interference in the internal affairs of third countries."
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In a resolution adopted on April 25, the European Parliament recommended that EU countries "support independent civil society organizations, independent media and human rights defenders and provide assistance to the democratic opposition in Russia.
The European Parliament resolutions have no legal force and are recommendations.