When Will Supersonic Aircraft Return to Civil Aviation?

The only Soviet supersonic aircraft used in civil aviation was the legendary Tu-144. Its last flight took place in 1978. Is it possible to reintegrate supersonic aircraft into civil aviation?
There are three tasks that need to be solved to return supersonic aircraft to civil aviation, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergey Chernyshev, said in an interview with the "Scientific Russia" agency.
The first is flight efficiency, he said. To increase it, it is necessary to reduce fuel consumption and develop a lighter and stronger aircraft, Chernyshev explained.
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The second problem is the noise produced by this type of aircraft, which needs to be reduced, according to him.
Finally, it is necessary to adapt the global flight control system to fast aircraft flying at high altitudes, the vice-president noted.
As for the advancements in the Russian civil aviation, the country is getting ready to launch mass production of a new civil aircraft MC-21 incorporating hybrid technologies, according to Head of Strength Complex of the Zhukovsky Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Mikhail Zichenkov.