Rumors About Russia's Plans to Deploy Nuclear Weapons in Space Are Another Trick of US: Kremlin

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The US Congress will hold a closed briefing on a "serious threat to national security" on Thursday. Media reported, citing sources, that the threat is related to Russia.
The rumors about Russia's plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space are just another trick of the White House, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, commenting on reports of a closed briefing in the US about a certain national security threat involving Russia and space.
The White House is trying to encourage the Congress to vote for a bill to allocate money to Ukraine through a closed briefing on a "serious threat to national security," Peskov said.
"I cannot comment on this at all. Let's wait for this briefing to see if there will be any information. But it is obvious that the White House is trying ... to push Congress to vote on a bill to allocate money [to Ukraine]. It is obvious. What kind of tricks will the White House resort to, so to speak, well, we will see," Peskov told reporters.
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On Monday, the US Senate considered further measures to advance a $95 billion supplemental funding bill, which includes approximately $60 billion in aid for Ukraine.