"Tourism is one of those few sectors where young people, irrespective of their major academic qualification, will have a chance. This for us as we open up markets for trade, for investment and tourism with Russia as Africa will also give an opportunity for young people and help us deal with the pervading challenges of unemployment in the continent," Gaoganediwe said.
"Africa is the new frontier. It's a continent pregnant with opportunities, endowed with natural resources, and some of the breathtaking World Heritage sites and experiences are found on the mother continent. It's also an opportunity for nations to work together to connect through culture and tourism experience. The trans-Kalahari park which brings together a game reserve in Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa under one roof. It's a classic example of how our different countries get united by a unique offering of global wildlife of good standard," the official elaborated.
"Tourism with its low barriers to entry, its ability to connect nations and cultures, but also the fact that tourism is a finished good [...] it's a feel good sector where youth, women, entrepreneurs play a leading role set itself apart, especially in a youthful continent like Africa, where we can harness the energy and the exuberance of the millions of young people [...] in Africa to use tourism [...] broadly to sustain economic growth, especially now with a focus on tourism and green investment [...]," he concluded.