Collective Prayers for Deceased in Libya and Morocco Held in Russian Mosques

North Africa has recently been hit by a series of environmental disasters, the first of which was a 6.8 magnitude earthquake last week in the Atlas Mountains region around Marrakech, Morocco. This was followed by an unprecedented flooding in eastern Libya that destroyed large parts of the city of Derna and killed thousands of people.
During Friday collective prayers in Russian mosques, memorial prayers were held for those killed in the flooding in Libya and the earthquake in Morocco, the head of the International Department of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Russia, Ildar Galeev, told Sputnik.
According to the official, on this occasion, ambassadors of Arab-Muslim countries arrived at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque in the Russian capital city to commemorate those who died as a result of the natural disasters in the North African countries.

"Ambassadors and diplomats from the embassies of Morocco, Nigeria, Palestine, Algeria, Afghanistan and other Arab-Muslim countries arrived at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque for Friday prayers. Together with the parishioners of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, they read prayers for those killed in Libya and Morocco. During the sermon, we also asked the Almighty to accept the souls of the deceased and grant healing and patience to the victims," Galeev said.

He also noted that Russia has sent humanitarian aid to Libya and Morocco to help people in the affected areas.
"It is worth mentioning the role of Russian charitable foundations, through which Russians provide assistance to citizens of Libya and Morocco. Among those who have provided all possible assistance are not only Muslims, but also representatives of other faiths of our country," Galeev added.
Galeev elaborated that Lotfi Bouchaara, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Morocco to Russia, who took part in the event, thanked the Chairman of the Russian Muslim Spiritual Board, Mufti Ravil Gainutdin, for this initiative, which, according to him, will help strengthen the ties between the peoples of Russia and Morocco.
Earthquake in Morocco Damages About 50,000 Houses: Photos
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Morocco on September 8. The epicenter was located 80 kilometers from Marrakech at a depth of ten kilometers. It was followed by at least four aftershocks with magnitudes of 4.8, 3.4, 3.2 and 3.3. According to the latest data from the Moroccan Interior Ministry, 2,946 people were killed and more than 5,600 injured.
King Mohammed VI declared three days of mourning in the country. One of the oldest and most famous mosques in Morocco, the Tinmal Mosque or Great Mosque of Tinmal, located in the High Atlas Mountains, was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake.
About three days later, on September 10, severe flooding in Libya caused two dams to collapse, unleashing a torrent of mud and water on Derna and destroying large parts of the eastern city.
On Friday morning, the Libyan Red Crescent said the death toll in the city had risen to 11,000 and was expected to rise as rescue teams continue to pull bodies from the mud. According Derna's mayor, the death toll may reach 18,000 or 20,000. The UN said that at least 30,000 people were displaced by the flooding in the coastal city of Derna.