Sub-Saharan Africa
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Russia Unveils Joint Efforts With Africa to Build Infrastructure Beyond West's Control

The Russian Foreign Ministry's statements came one day prior to the start of the Second Russia-Africa Summit, which will be held in St. Petersburg and aims to bolster the sweeping and balanced cooperation between Russia and African countries.
Moscow and African countries are working on creating infrastructure that is not controlled by the West and are interested in intensifying this joint effort, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

"We are interested in intensifying joint work with like-minded [African] countries in creating infrastructure beyond the West's control in various areas, forming mechanisms of economic interaction, and addressing specific common development tasks," she noted.

In this vein, Zakharova pointed out that Russia intends to engage with African countries to weaken the US greenback as the "practically monopolistic instrument of mutual settlements and reserve currency," because it is being exploited by Washington as a tool not only to pursue the upper hand, but also as a "means of carrying out its aggression."
The spokeswoman was also confident that Africa could become "one of the centers of a polycentric world."

"It has every opportunity to achieve this: African states are increasingly confident in pursuing a sovereign policy, demonstrating the ability to independently solve their problems, even through pan-African mechanisms and regional integration associations," the diplomat stressed.

Zakharova added that Moscow together with African countries expects "to shape a global non-discriminatory agenda, raise critical issues that are important to us and in line with the interests of the majority of the continent's countries and to seek out constructive solutions to them."
These joint efforts should also include working on "strengthening international legal principles in country-to-country relations and on building new conditions for peaceful coexistence based on common goals and values," the diplomat underlined.
Second Russia–Africa Summit
Full Text: Russian President Putin's Greetings to Russia-Africa Summit Participants & Guests
Another important challenge that Russia and Africa face, according to Zakharova, is to resist the imposition of Western ideals.

"We find it essential to work together consistently against the imposition of Western liberal cultural standards under the guise of universal ones and attempts to outlaw traditional moral values and erode moral norms and social foundations," she explained.

In addition, Zakharova addressed the topic of the Forum of Campaigners Against Modern Neocolonialism Practices, saying that delegates from 70 nations plan to attend the venue.
She noted that within the framework of cooperation with the leading political forces of Asia, Africa and Latin America, preparations for the forum are continuing.
In late May, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council and chairman of the United Russia party, said that the first event of the Forum of Supporters of the Fight Against Modern Neocolonialism Practices would be held in Moscow on October 18-20.