Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Poland Wishes to Form Kind of Coalition Within NATO, Seize Land in Ukraine: Putin

In response to the expected move by the Polish leadership, President Putin has ordered the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, to monitor the Central European country's plans for neighboring Ukraine.
Poland is expected to form some kind of coalition within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to directly intervene in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and seize land in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday at a meeting with members of the Russian Security Council.
"As for the Polish leaders, they are probably counting on forming some kind of coalition under the NATO umbrella and intervening directly in the conflict in Ukraine in order to then "tear off" a "fatter piece" for themselves, to regain, as they believe, their historical territories - today's Western Ukraine," the president said.
The head of state also specified that it was "well known" that the Polish leadership also dreamed of Belarusian lands.
Putin suggested that the union between Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, which is being reported in the media, is being made for the subsequent occupation of Ukraine.

"There have been media reports about plans to create a certain so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian union: that is, we are not talking about some gathering of mercenaries, there are enough of them, and they are being destroyed, namely a regular, assembled, equipped military unit that is planned to be used for actions on the territory of Ukraine, including for allegedly ensuring the security of the current Western Ukraine. And in fact, if you call things by their proper names — for the subsequent occupation of these territories," Putin said.

In the same vein, Sergey Naryshkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), added during the meeting with Putin that Warsaw was considering establishing control over the western part of neighboring Ukraine by deploying its troops there.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
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In this regard, Putin instructed the Russian foreign intelligence head to monitor Poland's plans for Ukraine.
During the meeting, the Russian leader noted that it is obvious that Western supporters of Kiev are disappointed with the results of the counteroffensive launched by the Ukrainian army.
"Today, it is clear that the Western curators of the Kiev regime are clearly disappointed with the results of the so-called counteroffensive, which the current Ukrainian authorities loudly announced in previous months," he said.
In addition, Putin said that Ukrainian cannon fodder is no longer enough for the West, they are thinking about using Lithuanians and Poles.
"The West clearly believes that Ukrainian cannon fodder is not enough, so they plan to use new expendable materials — Poles, Lithuanians and further down the list," Putin said at a meeting with permanent members of the Russian Security Council.