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SADC Leaders Unanimously Sign Declaration to Safeguard Rights of Persons with Albinism

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 - Sputnik Africa, 1920, 18.08.2024
The 44th Ordinary SADC Summit took place in Harare, Zimbabwe, on Saturday under the theme "Promoting Innovation to unlock opportunities for sustained economic growth and Development towards an Industrialised SADC."
Heads of state from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) have taken a significant step towards protecting the rights of persons with albinism by adopting and signing a regional declaration.
The declaration, signed at the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit in Harare, Zimbabwe, aims to address the various challenges faced by individuals with albinism in the region.
“[The] summit adopted and signed the SADC Declaration on the Protection of Persons with Albinism, signifying the collective resolve of SADC Member States to take necessary measures at the regional and national levels to address the challenges faced by the persons with albinism,” a communique of the summit reads.
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These challenges faced by individuals with albinism in the region include widespread stigma and discrimination, limited access to healthcare and education, and social and political exclusion.
The SADC has consistently condemned all forms of violence and abuse against people with albinism, and this declaration signifies a concrete commitment to safeguarding their human rights.